(for puppies 8-16 weeks old)

10 sessions - $850


What is Day Training? 

Day Training is a life-saver for anyone raising a puppy! You’ve no doubt experienced going from snuggles to zoomies in a split second! And don’t forget about the mouthing and nipping. Raising a puppy is a lot of work!

Why is day training so great? Because we do the training for you! We come to your house and work with your puppy 2 times a week -  jump starting the skills your puppy needs to be a polite member of the family. Then at the end of the week we meet with you to transfer the skills the puppy has learned. This program is designed for convenience, relief, and results! Perfect for busy people who still want the best start for their puppy.

3 Week Program - Puppy basics (10 sessions)

We will introduce skills such as:

Polite greetings

Crate Training

Loose leash walking

Place training




We will also help with:

Resource guarding prevention

Preventing puppy nipping/biting


Program Includes:

3 weeks of day training in your home

2, 60-minute working sessions each week where we train your puppy

1, 60-minute private in-home transfer lesson each week to teach you to maintain the training

1 Refresher Session to fine tune any problem areas